Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions
Now the last of major thing is glaucoma. As I mentioned, I am a glaucoma specialist, so I see those patients often time. They're quite far into the disease from the complications. Now, ??? We call it primary glaucoma, meaning it's not a secondary to detached retina, not secondary to dislocated lens. They call, we call that primary glaucoma.
They actually the rate, the prevalence is much higher than general population, so you, you don't think "Oh, my retina is fine. I won't get it. I won't get the glaucoma." Be aware that you need to remind your doctor that glacoma prevalence is higher than general population even though I'm young and then you better check, make sure that I don't get glaucoma.
So what exactly is glaucoma? By definition glaucoma is nerve damage, is optic nerve damage. Again this is ??? This time turned 180 degrees, okay? The cornea is the left aside. Light go through the cornea, clear lens through the pupil, clear lens and gets focused on back part of the eye.
The ganglion cells, remember they have long feet, they form those cables and they get wrapped around, that they formed optic nerve, sending the signal, the electrical signal back all the way to the visual cortex.
So this nerve is really important. It is once it's damaged, unfortunately we have no way to fix the damage. The goal for me is to catch those patients at early stage and prevent it from getting worse, okay? Now the cable is so important and often time I tell my patients,"You're not just using your eye to see. You're actually using your brain to see. The eye is just a vehicle receiving the light signal. The signal has to be transmitted through the optic nerve to your brain, okay?"
So the nerve damage is really critical and this is actually priority for National Eye Institute that we need to preserve the nerve.
視神経の損傷は極めて深刻ですので、国立眼病研究所(National Eye Institute)でも、視神経の保護が実際に優先課題となっているのです。
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