Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions
This is a real patient patient of mine, has Marfan syndrome. You can see on the bottom part. There is a little crescent shape empty space. The lens is dislocated. It is superiorly moved upward but that patient has no symptoms whatsoever.
Come into the routine eye exam and here is what we caught a little bit of hemorrhage there, not in the macular so that patient has no symptoms just, you know, routine eye exam. So it's important to, you know, to keep your routine eye exam appointment.
And we catch this, we see this. That's an indication. There's a hole in the retina and we have to fix it so that the my retina guy fix this and here is how their looks after the surgery. You have some scar. You can spare some retina so you don't have a problem. Right in the middle the macular is still okay so that patient has pretty good outcome.
Lost to follow-up, years later comes back with a new hemorrhage and what do you see here. Now it's right in the middle. It's much bigger now.
This is how this patient sees this if you don't have a detached retina. And those two boys,here, there you can clearly see their faces and everything the balls.
If you have a detached retina, even though anatomically you can pop the retina back in the good position, you lose the communication, no cells just some survived well. It can survive but they don't necessarily do their good job so now you get this called central scotoma, meaning there's a dark spot right in the middle. At that point you can be very symptomatic, okay?
So get the eye, routine eye surgery done and again this is multidisciplinary approach and I take care of those patients often time at a very advanced stage because often time glaucoma is complications. It's a complication of other conditions and sometimes it's not uncommon actually someone has a eye problem.
Three eye surgeons go into the operating room at the same time. Everyone works from different place. I've got a cataract out and I take care of the glaucoma. My retina guy fixed the retina. The cornea person takes care of the cornea at the same time, so it really requires a multidisciplinary approach.
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