
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群、スティックラー症候群、および関連疾患における眼疾患と治療法 ~網膜剥離の兆候~

Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions




This is what you see if you have a tear or tears or you have detached retina. Think three things. We, this is every ophthalmologist knows, when you, someone comes in to your office, have some kind of a vague complaint, you always, always. We call it RD precaution. You tell the patients you need to take a precaution. RD stands for retinal detachment. Those are three signs.



Floaters and the stark, spots. Those are the floaters. we all see floaters, again part of the aging change. I see floaters, you know, once in a while. Some patients say, "I try to catch it and it goes away." And they slide ???? You have the floaters most by retinal tear or tears. Those floaters I called a ???. They are there. They're always there. They're flying around and doesn't matter in the dark or in the one, in the bright condition. You see them all the time, so those, that's number one.



Number two, flashing lights, Few sparkles here, there, we all see that sometimes and you just put them ,you know, pressure, you know, you use sleep in a very odd position, you wake up and you have some flashing lights. You're stimulating your retina. Once in a while everyone sees that. The persistant flashing light, sparkles always there doesn't matter in the dark,doesn't matter in the dark. That's a second sign of a detached retina.



The last sign is this curtain. A curtain, this one is on the left side. I tell my patient, "Doesn't matter. You don't move your head. You look at them straight forward, straight ahead and you don't move your eyes" and you can distinctly tell there's a curtain on my left side. I just don't see it. There, there's a curtain coming down from the top.



So floaters, flashing lights and a curtain, those are the three signs.



You need to warn your doctor any of one of those occurs, three in the morning. You need to call and then need to be fixed in an urgent basis. Because they can be easily fixed, anything that you wanna do at early stage, you will have better outcome. Too late, even though you can get the retina reattached anatomically, you can get a complications. Glaucoma actually is one of the complications from detached retina.



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