Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions
Move on to detached retina. Here is again schematic of the eye. I want to just see if I could catch your attention, so I changed the orientation. Now the cornea is on the right side. Okay? This is not a half eye anymore. This is entire eye. Let, the light go through from the right side through the clear cornea, go through the pupil, the dark apature, goes through the clear lens, gets focused on the back part of the eye, which is a lining to bind the severe delicate tissue called retina.
Retina is a very intricate tissue, has multiple layers, multiple cell types. The cells, they are, they have to communicate with each other, sometimes they hold hands together, sometimes they use the hands and feet, hold it together and that they communicate and when they received the signal, so here you have to remember. This is all photo signal, all light signal, right? Guess we, I guess, put into the retina, the retina has to those cells. They have to convert to the electrical signal. it's very intricate photo transduction pathway, very interesting.
Those cells have to do proper job and one cell types is called a retinal ganglion cells. They have a very long feet, they, those long feet the form fibers and those fibers get collected and form this, this optic nerve. so they send a signal through the optic nerve and to your brain. That's how you see, okay?
Retina is the very delicate tissue, is almost like a rice paper and can be easily broken by trauma, by, you know, what have you just ordinarily.
Unfortunately Marfan patient has a much higher rate of sustaining a tear of the retina. If you do that, you can get a detached retina.
This is what we see when we shine a bright light. Here is your normal retina and I'm sure you can appreciate it. This is a different color. It's kind of like a peeling off from the back wall. At this point the entire retina is not a detached yet. Right in the middle, that's called a macular. I'm sure you hear patients get a macular degeneration. That is the physiological or anatomical location in the eye and gives you the sharpest vision. Now the macular is still intact, so that point the patient is still okay but you sure have some symptoms.
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