Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions
Now some minor issues. This is called the refractive error, so I'm gonna show you just myopia.
This is normal eye. Again, the light now going through from the right side, reach to form the sharp focal point on the back part of the eye. That's how normally you see.
In Marfan patient, the eyeballs tend to be bigger and longer and the light has a hard time to reach to the retina, form the sharp focal point, so that's why you cannot see you far away, and this is actually, it's very common, it's almost pandemic, especially in Asian population.
The prevalence of myopia is very high and it can be corrected. Majority patients have some or low-grade myopia, meaning the prescription, say - 1, - 2, less than -3. You can use contact lenses, put the contact lens on top of the cornea or just wear glasses. Force the light to be focused on the retina so it can be properly corrected. It's much higher rate in Marfan patients have a myopia.
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