Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy
So this is the main outline of the statement. The first part of the statement is evaluation of the child with suspected aortopathy. So this goes through what do you do if you have a child with aortopathy, what should be included in the history, what should be included in the physical, what are key things to look at in the patient to help you come up with a diagnosis.
The next section is Imaging: what Imaging should be done, how often, when should we do MRI, when should we do CAT scan. We're going to go over all of these.
The next section is genetic testing: what genetic testing to do, how to make a diagnosis, how to evaluate the family.
Then we have a section on medical therapy: when to use medicines, how often, how to dose it.
Exercise and activity, and Dr. Lacro is going to go through this, but this is very different than what's been published before and I think hopefully encourages kids with these conditions to join activities much more often.
There's a section on aortic dissection and when to do prophylactic aortic surgery.
And then after all of these, we have gene-based sections, specific sections on each genetic condition highlighting some of the unique features and unique therapies for those patients.
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