
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群における側彎症管理と外科的選択肢 〜硬膜拡張〜

Scoliosis Management & Surgical Options for Marfan Syndrome




More on dural ectasia. This is present in over half of Marfan patients, same thing in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. What, what is it exactly? It's a dura that gets larger and wider as to go down the spine, from the sacrum, from the fourth lumbar vertebra to the sacrum it gets wider as opposed to normally getting narrower. Some people will even have a telltale sign of an anterior meningocele, which is a sack of fluid dissects outside the spine and goes into the pelvis with ??? and, and dura is typically a tube that protects the spinal cord just like the aorta is a tube that controls and conducts your blood. It's a very analogous phenomenon in Marfan people.




So you can see here on the MRI on the right you can see how the the vertebrae are scalloped by the presence of the dural ectasia. The discs don't get scalloped but the bones get scalloped.




How does dural ectasia develop? We think it develops because of spinal fluid pulsations against the bone and that in turn dilates the weak dura that erodes the vertebra body. There may also be signaling effects with TGF beta being present on the surface of the dura and leading to more reabsorption of the bone and thinning of the pedicles and so forth.




Does dural ectasia cause pain? Not always. We did a case control study of people in the middle ages of adulthood. The dural ectasia group had more pain but not all the dural ectasia patients had pain. There were some even with the pronounced dural ectasia like you see on the right that had no pain whatsoever, so we don't know why some do and some don't but it probably has to do with whether the dural ectasia putting pressure on your bone or pressure on your nerves or kinking and twisting up the nerve roots into the dural sack. What you do about it is still a work in progress. We tend to patch up areas that are ballooning out and sent it to other places when needed but we wish there was a better biological solution.




The symptoms associated with dural ectasia include pain in the very low part of the back, right down to the sacrum, not in the middle of the back. Also headaches are seen in many people with dural ectasia and we think that's because with dural ectasia there's a lot more spinal fluids shifting up and down and that can create a draining pressure on the, the brain and the dura of the brain. Also they can have leg pain like you would with this herniated disc or sciatica and even they can typically have pelvic pain and perineal pain in the area of the rectum in the perineal area where dural ectasia is more pronounced.




Does it get worse? Many people wonder whether they should do something about it while it's small because it will get worse. The answer is it doesn't always get worse. We did a 12-year follow-up of patients with dural ectasia, got a repeat of MRI and found that in fact severe dural ectasia does not always get worse. It depends on how old you are. The ones that got worse and maybe mainly over the age of five.




Here's an example of a 48-year-old male with moderate dural ectasia. In 1998 and 11 years later you can see the dural ectasia is essentially about the same size.




So we actually did a statistical analysis of this group. We find the volume of the dura from one period in 2008 to the later period in 2009. The calculated volume with dura was not actually any greater in the later group than in the earlier group.




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