
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Why do so many children with Marfan syndrome have refractive errors?


A refractive error is an aberration in the visual system in the focusing power of the eye. See? It's an error in coordination of the first lens, the cornea, or the lens inside your eye, and the retina, so there are certain distances between the cornea and the back of your eye and the braking power of these different components.



If you look at an object in the far distance, at the horizon, you have to get it into focus on your retina, so first your cornea will make the beams that come from far, far away focus and break to a major extent and then your own lens will focus it a little more and do the fine-tuning that it comes into focus on your retina which is just a couple two centimeters and a half or, put it exactly, you know, 24 millimeters long, so from the tip of your eye, from the front of your eye, to the retina, you have two and a half centimeters and you can get an object from infinity into focus on your retina or people who sit in front of you, you can focus on them or you can focus on what you are reading, so it's a magical stop ticking system that helps you get this into focus.



And aberration in this focusing power is our refractive errors, so the cornea may be too flat or may not be round and then you get astigmatism, or the lens may be dislocated and may have aberrations. Usually when it dislocates, it rounds off and creates myopia or nearsightedness or the eye may be too long and the structures that you have in your eye do not manage to focus light that comes from far away or images onto your retina.



So there is three components to this refraction: the cornea power, so the top part, the power inside your eye, which is the lens, and the length of your eye. So, they are all interdependent and you just have to then work out what is right for a given patient to get an image into focus.



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