Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions
Is there, is there also a connection between Marfan syndrome and cornea presentation?
The cornea presentation, the cornea, yes, they are issues. I didn't even bother to list it. This is mainly for your physicians to be aware the cornea.
Some studies have shown they tend to be flattered rather than just the, we're talking about the curvature. They can be thinner. If the cornea is thinner than average patient.
When you do the eye pressure check, that can mislead the number. So this is something that if the pressure, say, the normal pressure is the average pressure is anywhere from 11 to 21, your pressure is 18, is within the normal range just because your cornea is much thinner than average patients. That 18 is misleading, that can mislead the diagnosis of glaucoma.
So, yes, I think it's a good point. I'm glad you mentioned this as a matter of fact. The cornea has to be thinner but doesn't have the higher risk, say, it's like Ehlers-Danlos patients. They have called brittle cornea, they don't necessarily break easily but does have the thinner cornea than an average patients.
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