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大動脈を守るために ~大動脈の太さ~

Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)




Now the aorta size again depends on a person's size. So when we see somebody in the clinic for "Is the aorta enlarged?", how does this fit for somebody?



And aorta of somebody who is 5 feet 6 is a certain size just like your hands and feet would be. If somebody is 6 feet 6, their hands and feet have to be bigger to meet that frame and so does the aorta. So the size of the aorta is dependent upon one's age, one sex, and one's body size.



And on this screen, this figure on the right, which has a grey rectangle, is kind of the roof and if one gets bigger and one gets older, their aorta gets bigger and older up to a certain level. And in general, an aortic size in male adult, over 4 centimeters would be the upper limits of normal size, whereas 3.7 is a female, so bigger, older men have larger aortas than smaller, younger women.



So we know average sizes of the aorta and we can use this knowledge to calculate a z-score, which is just a way to think about an aortic dimension compared to normal. So a normal aortic size would have a z-score anywhere from zero to two. Anything more than two would be two standard deviations above the average or we consider it enlarged for that person's age and that person's size.



The aorta does increase in size and all of us over our lifetime, but a very small amount less than a millimeter per decade of life in men or women. So the aorta grows very, very slowly over a normal lifespan and if the aorta grows more rapidly, we think about underlying disorders that make them grow more rapidly.



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