Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)
Finally, what is an aortic dissection? What does it feel like? This is a intraoperative example of an aortic dissection provided by Joe Bavaria from Pennsylvania. The heart's pumping here beneath this fat and this is an aortic aneurysm that one can see through. You can see the flap of the aortic dissection through this very thin walled aorta. You can see blood circulating through this very thin walled aorta, so this is a surgical emergency.
An aortic dissection is a tear in the aortic wall, so there's two channels then this is the intimal flap, this is called the true channel or true lumen and this becomes the false channel, which can be recognized on imaging studies.
And we divide these into the type A, which involves ascending aorta and can extend throughout the aorta, or a type B, which involves a descending aorta. Anything involving the ascending aorta is a surgical emergency and a type B dissection can be often treated medically initially unless it unless a complication occurs.
Most patients with Marfan and related disorders have type I dissection. It's just above the aortic valve and requires surgery. Important to recognize is this part of the aorta is typically operated while the rest of the aorta is typically observed, so patients after a dissection usually leave the hospital with a persistent dissection down the descending aorta.
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