
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

妊娠について(2022_ACC大動脈疾患ガイドライン) 〜心血管疾患カウンセリング〜

ACC Aortic Disease Guidelines: Pregnancy

Regarding cardiovascular counseling so as I mentioned this is important for, the for, the ladies, it, they should be informed that the risk for aortic dissection increases during pregnancy not only during pregnancy but also during the first weeks after pregnancy. This risk is highest as has been shown in series in women who do not know about the diagnosis. There's about an equal risk for type A and type B dissection so ascending and descending aorta and in case of type A dissection diameter will help you predict the risk for dissection with a very low risk below 40 and a much higher risk above 40 millimeter. Very important to know here is that type B dissection risk is very difficult to predict based on diameter. 
It is also important that people know that dissection may also occur even after aortic root replacement so prophylactic aortic root replacement as is recommended in some cases will not prevent dissection to occur and this is important that women are aware of this. 
There's a need for pre-pregnancy aortic imaging of course with transthoracic echo to look at the aortic root but also CT and MRI to look at the more distal part of the aorta and estimate the possible risk.
Hypertension is a very important factor coming into play when we talk about aortic dissection and women with hypertension be treated correctly and adequately before pregnancy starts.
And then also important to know, important message is that women who are followed according to guidelines as has been shown in a European study, the ROPAC study, have a good outcome both in terms of maternal and fetal outcome.
また、ガイドラインに従って管理された女性では、母子ともに良好な転帰となることが、ROPAC(Registry Of Pregnancy And Cardiac disease)の研究から示されています。

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