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僧帽弁手術について ~僧帽弁逆流の管理~

Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21




So when we have someone who has asymptomatic mitral regurgitation it might be mild, moderate or even asymptomatic and severe the recommendation is that we follow with, with an echo, a transthoracic echo to watch this over time if, usually it's annually along with an exam but if it is, if it is severe we usually recommend a bit of closer follow-up every six to 12 months.



Sometimes so the tendency can be with someone with severe regurgitation is that we can overestimate the ejection fraction so when the heart is squeezing, it's squeezing blood and it, it will, blood will go down the path of least resistance and since there is that not only is the aorta, an outflow for the left ventricle but that leaky valve is a big outflow so it makes the heart look better than it actually is.



And so what you want to do there are more sensitive ways, some kind of fancy ways in the echo lab to pick up some more subtle signs of left ventricular dysfunction and so that that can be done when we're following someone with more severe regurgitation.



As far as medical therapy goes apart from watching someone closely with an echo and and, and following with an exam technically by the guidelines a medication such as losartan is not, is not recommended for asymptomatic patients but certainly could be used for other indications so if the person has high blood pressure that would be a perfect medicine to use as a vasodilator or an afterload reducing medicine.



Also if someone has already has a left ventricular dysfunction for other reasons that's a very, that's a a cornerstone of management of those types of patients. Medical therapy with a vasodilator such as losartan can be considered though if someone's symptomatic and there's going to be a delay to surgery or they cannot have surgery at that time.



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