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僧帽弁手術について ~手術適応の条件~

Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21




The line that we draw in the sand as far as when we decide when sur, when it is time for surgery is whether someone is symptomatic or not. If someone is symptomatic that's the answer that it's time for a time to repair or replace but ideally repair that, that mitral valve.



Sometimes it's difficult to tease out whether the mitral valve is the cause of that, those symptoms so occasionally there are two common scenarios.



We get someone who is very young and physically fit and they have no symptoms but they have really, really severe regurgitation and all the indicators the, the heart might be dilating, the the ventricle might look like it's getting weaker, the pressures are high but they don't have symptoms and so what we can try to do is provoke symptoms by having them pushing them hard on an exercise test.



Another scenario is that someone might have a lot of other medical problems. They might have a left ventricular problem unrelated, they might have lung problems and we have to tease out whether their symptoms are in fact related to the mitral valve and if we do that, we could do that, for example, with an invasive test with cardiac catheterization to measure pressures. If we determine that the valve is the cause of their symptoms then it is absolutely the time to go to the operating room.



In people who have severe mitral regurgitation that is asymptomatic we follow with echo and the decision about proceeding with surgery really is more objective. It's based on measurements and parameters on the echo. So if we measure the size of the ventricle and at the end of the heart squeezing it begins to dilate beyond 40 mm or if the left the ejection fraction goes below 60 percent that's when we know it's time to go to the OR.



And occasionally just because the population that we're talking about with, with Marfan syndrome and related conditions generally when they can present with these valve problems they tend to be much younger and healthier and able to tolerate surgery very well and may have other indications to go to the operating room such as the the root, their aortic root might be at or near the time when repair is indicated or their aortic valve might be nearing time for a time to be addressed.



In those folks even if they don't meet the parameters of the size of the ventricle and ejection fraction it may be a good time to discuss surgery because if the risk of surgery is low and the likelihood of a good repair is high.



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