Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21
Amy's already talked about repair versus replacement and I just want to stress that that over the years we have appreciated that if, if it's technically feasible and it's successful in the operating room at getting rid of the regurgitation that it is actually a safer operation and if it's done well it's quite durable.
But these are, these are generalizations that have been based not so much on Marfan patients as in the larger group of people who have leaking valves but don't have Marfan syndrome.
So I personally think that if you can do the repair and have a good result then it probably is better but we'll talk in a second about some situations where that may not be true. It is true with the mitral repair as long as your heart rhythm is normal.
You will not need anticoagulation for that long term and that is a major attraction but even the best mitral repairs are not as durable as mechanical valves. Mechanical valves don't fail mechanically. They, they can last, you know, for a very long time, a lifetime and longer but the, the, the fact that anticoagulation is required is for many people a major, major concern but again a good repair can last a very, very long time and I still think in most patients particularly when it's just isolated mitral disease it may be preferable.
But there are patients who've already had a mechanical aortic valve put in as part of their bentall procedure. They're already on anticoagulation and in that group of patients it's, it's it's less clear whether they're better off with a mitral repair. My own feeling is that if the repair can be done and it's straightforward and it looks perfect. There may be an advantage to it but you're still gonna be on anticoagulation but maybe with a lower INR but I think this really, this decision has to be tailored to the individual patient.
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