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僧帽弁手術について ~修復術と置換術に関する研究~

Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21




For many years the debate, I won't get into too much detail, but the debate had been repair of the mitral valve versus replacement and is repair gonna last and so many, many studies in the 80s and the 90s showed that repair was preferable to replacement and much of the 2000s then was devoted to studies looking at techniques that could refine those repair, those repair procedures.



I mentioned one study here that Dr. Cameron was involved in, in the mid 90s and it looked at, this was a group of all Marfan patients who, a retrospective review, who had cardiac surgery and 36 of these patients had mitral procedures, 29 repairs and 7 replacements. It was a combination of men and women and they were all young, I mean, this is mid population and generally in their mid-20s and some and seven of them were less than 18.



So 24 of the 29 who had repair of their mitral valve also had root replacement at the same time and really the success was very high. So at five years, this was an early follow-up interval, but at five years they found that, that 88.3 percent essentially were significant of, were free from significant mitral regurgitation.



A later study in 2006 looking at Marfan folks versus people with mitral regurgitation from non-Marfan from non-syndromic reasons, which is more generically called myxomatous mitral valve degeneration, so this was a study of 27 patients with Marfans and 119 with, with non-syndromic mitral regurgitation. This was an older group in general both for the Marfans and then and then the mixominous, myxomatous crowd was even older and there's more advanced mitral regurgitation at the time of of these surgeries.



There's less repair in those with Marfan than in myxomatous but in general another success story for repair where at the 10-year mark survival was 80 and the freedom from re-operation was 96 percent and only one among the 16 Marfan's folks had needed re-operation so 15 out of 16 of the Marfan repairs were in good shape at the 10-year mark.



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