Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21
When mitral regurgitation presents itself, so people can tolerate and we see degrees of mitral regurgitation, mild, moderate, and severe and generally no one is symptomatic from mild or moderate mitral regurgitation but when someone develops severe regurgitation the usual symptom that we see is that they'll have progressive shortness of breath, usually beginning with exertion, decreased exercise tolerance or windedness.
And because the population of folks with, with Marfan syndrome tend to present earlier with these problems sometimes it can be subtle and because younger people have generally better exercise tolerance so sometimes it can present fairly late and, and, and what we know and what we do see in clinical practice is that the heart can compensate an amazingly amount a long number of years with slowly progressive mitral regurgitation and even can tolerate severe regurgitation for, for a, a long time.
Very occasionally the symptoms can be more abrupt in onset especially if there is chordal rapture so someone might have moderate regurgitation, which is well tolerated, a chordae might pop and someone might then develop severe regurgitation in a hurry and that can present more abruptly but generally this is more of a slower onset of symptoms.
When we examine someone in an office visit and we hear a murmur, a classical murmur of mitral regurgitation and in more advanced cases of mitral regurgitation we can find on exam signs of heart enlargement and later on also signs of extra fluid being retained in the body when someone actually has heart dysfunction from, from the mitral regurgitation and, and that those are stages we hope to prevent.
Objectively findings on a transthoracic echo, which, which is an ultrasound of the heart from the outside of the chest, which, which many people probably know about or have may even had one of these tests. We would see a severe regurgitation and then we also will see all, all sorts of other things on the echo that tell us how well the heart is compensating or not compensating for that extra load.
So when the, the mitral jet regurgitates backwards into the left atrium but the left atrium is already filling from the normal direction of flow from the lungs over time that left atrium is getting to get over it too, there's going to be too much volume and too much pressure in that atrium and it will dilate over time and then as the, as the left atrium dilates when the blood moves in the forward direction there's a greater volume coming into the left ventricle and we'll see over time progressive dilation of the left ventricle and much later in much later stages, which we often hope to prevent.
And we can prevent by acting on it. We will prevent the decline in the overall strength of the left ventricle or what we call the ejection fraction and we also can see the eventual elevation in heart pressures not only on the left side but also backing up into the lungs and into the right side of the heart. Again something that we like to follow on the echo and, and potentially try to prevent if we're watching.
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