Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21
So this image here, this first one here is a transthoracic echo and this is called a parasternal long view and it lays out the left atrium and the left ventricle very nicely.
So right here, this is the left atrium. This thing that's moving right here is the mitral valve. This is the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve and this is the posterior leaflet. Blood flows from the left atrium into the left ventricle and then the left ventricle squeezes that blood out the left ventricular outflow tract right here to through the aortic valve into the aortic root and aorta, which is not very well imaged on, on this type of image but you can see that right here and the right ventricles over here.
And an important thing to notice here is that kind of a simple way to describe this is if you look at this mitral valve apparatus and draw a line, a straight line right at the base of these leaflets you should not see the leaflets deviate and beyond that line into the left atrium. So you should see, they really almost like this is a hockey stick here. It should not go beyond this line that you've created, otherwise that is prolapse of the leaflet and you can see here, on this image at least is a really good way to see the anterior leaflet prolapsing backwards into the left atrium and it's not as easy to see but you can see a little bit of the posterior leaflet prolapsing backwards as well.
This next image here is another transthoracic echo and same person, same patient. This is called a four chamber view and so what you're seeing here is the left ventricle. Here is the mitral valve. Right here, here's the left atrium and then this is the right side of the heart with the right ventricle and the right atrium and this is another example, another view where you can really see particularly that anterior leaflet right here of the mitral valve prolapsing backwards so if the line is across here you see this anterior leaflet really dip down pretty in a very exaggerated way into that left atrium, can't see it as well of with the posterior valve, posterior leaflet but there is prolapse there too.
Next image is same four chamber view but with doppler so we see flow and so normal flow should be from the left atrium into the left ventricle and it should not be in the backward direction.
So what you see here, this bright orange flash in the left atrium. That's all regurgitation backwards from the left ventricle into the left atrium and that's abnormal and there are many different ways to assess the severity of of mitral regurgitation but suffice it to say here that it fills the majority of this, this orange flash fills the majority of that left atrium and it, it goes really all the way to the superior part of that left atrium and we can even measure, for instance, flow backward, flow into the pulmonary veins that are supposed to be draining blood out of the lungs into the atrium.
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