Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21
The first test then that we want to want to get is this transthoracic echo to look for these parameters to look for the, the severity of regurgitation, the effects on these other heart structures, to assess kind of the the state of where that person is in, in the progression.
Occasionally as with any test in medicine is that we might find that the results are not quite consistent with what the symptoms are, so someone might have very severe symptoms but the regurgitation is not particularly severe on the echo.
Sometimes the, the transthoracic echo doesn't get the best pictures of the regurgitation if the regurgitation goes off in unusual directions. If the person isn't very easy to image because they might have a little bit of a chest deformity or they might be bigger and it might be harder to get good pictures.
So generally the next step would be to get something called a trans-esophageal echo, which is another type of heart ultrasound but it's done from inside of the chest. It's a probe that has put down an ultrasound probe that's put into the esophagus, which is a lot like an upper endoscopy if, if you're looking for an ulcer in the stomach. This is what the gastroenterologists use so this is a test done under sedation and that gives us much better pictures of the heart because that you're not having to battle with, with multiple layers of skin and bone and fat and and air space. The esophagus sits right behind the heart so you get very clear pictures.
And lastly if a trans-esophageal echo is not possible for various reasons an MRIs also another type of test that can show us structure and function of that mitral valve.
So one other a slight aside is that if someone, if we are evaluating a valve and if there's fairly advanced disease and we're thinking about surgery and someone with Marfans if they have not had an assessment of the aorta that would be a good time to actually get either a CT or an MRI of the aorta to help for surgical planning to know exactly of all the potential things that need to be addressed at the time of surgery.
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