Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered
But there are cases where I'll have to go back to my presentation here to show you that one second where there is extreme scenario when the patient comes in and the first thing you see is, is a very enlarged heart like this and the root this is actually, the root of the patient that's very enlarged you can see and the valve that's supporting that root is the aortic valve and see this aortic valve is almost looks like a Mercedes Benz sign. When it closes it is actually leaking. It doesn't close all the way because the root is so enlarged so the person has what we call valve regurgitation. The valve is leaky along with the enlargement of the root and all of the blood is going back into the ventricle. This is one of the complications that happens when the root enlarges due to Marfan is you make, develop what we call aortic regurgitation which as some of you may have heard of.
And this technique and we have used here used to image is MRI. We not only assess the heart dimension, function, we also assess the dimensions of the root and we also assessed the how severe is that valve leaking before any procedure is done, so all of the surgical planning can be done using this technique here where we measured the dimensions of the heart measured how leaky that valve is using one technique here and we measured the dimensions of the root that's the root this is the left ventricle actually I put a cartoon here the enlarged root is right here so basically all the planning for surgery is done right away using this technique.
It all depends on what we are trying to achieve when it comes to serial follow-up imaging or is this an acute situation where we have to get all one test before the surgical planning or anything that's planned depends on that and even a dissection to what we're trying to achieve. If the kidney function is affected we may use the trans-esophageal echo. If kidney function is fine we could, CT is the first line of test for dissection if you ask me.
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