Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)
So what do we do when we find a patient has an aortic root aneurysm? Well, there's kind of four commonly, more commonly performed operations that I'm going to discuss here. A fifth one would be a Ross procedure but we typically don't use those procedures in patients with connective tissue disorder because we worry about the integrity of that, that pulmonary artery that gets transferred but typically what we do is replace the aortic root.
A mechanical composite valve graft is where the a fabric graft and a valve are combined and sewn into the heart, the coronary artery is connected and the whole root and ascending aorta replaced. That can also be done with a combination of a biologic valve like a cow valve inside of a graft. A homograft or an allograft is a human aorta, a human cadaver aorta.
In the 90s we replaced a lot of aortas and aorta roots that way thinking they might last longer because they come from a human but in the end they ended up wearing out, kind of at the same pace as like a bovine or a porcine aorta or valve do and it's because it's not alive. It's more like a canned piece of leather. It's going to wear out with the wear and tear of time.
And then the our, kind of favorite I suppose or, or preferred operation for someone with connective tissue disorder if they're a good candidate for it and if the team has experience with it is what we call a valve preserving root replacement. Usually there's a couple different techniques. I think the generic term is about preserving root replacement.
As a way to think about it you can see the picture in the corner. The patient's native valve is reimplanted into that graft. That's typically referred to as a David's procedure or a re-implantation procedure. There's a lot of different ways to do that but there's subtle differences you don't have to worry about. It's more something a technical thing for surgeons how they differentiate, different ways they sew it in.
There is a couple of different ways to do a valve preserving root where they don't re-implant it they do a, a remodeling procedure but newer data shows that if that's done with a ring to support it you get the same kind of benefits as a reimplantation procedure but that's a little less common.
Either way valve preserving roots a great way to take care of it in patients with connective tissue disorders because as I show in this little video on the right where the valve is inside this aorta. This is a living valve. You can see that the valve is not just the moving parts, it's not just the cusps, it's not just those leaflets that open and close, it's the whole structure of the aortic root that allows that valve to work well.
You can see in that video. Here this is where blood is leaving the heart that the opening of the heart, we call the left ventricular outflow tract, expands with each ejection of the heart and it's a very dynamic structure and the valve sparing root helps to maintain some of that function.
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