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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術 ~大動脈解離手術~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




What does this operation look like? Well, we sew right to the inside of the heart so we're not counting on any of that aortic tissue down in the root that's been damaged. To maintain any of this the strength just to help support the valve itself that we put inside the graft. And it looks like this where you can see the graft goes down all the way down to the inside and sewn to the muscle on the inside of the heart.



Why do we do these operations? Well, we do these operations because we want to avoid this problem, acute aortic syndromes and aortic dissection. You see the picture on the left the arrow points to a really big tear in the aorta. The image on the right so some clot that's developed on the inside of the aortic walls.



I'm about to show a brief video of what it looks like when we open someone's chest when aortic dissection. If you're uncomfortable with this, please look away. I'll tell you when it's safe to look again.



So here we are we're opening, the chest is open, we're opening the sack around the heart. You see all that out bloody fluid in there. We've cooled this patient and we're taking this aorta out. You can see we've taken out that portion of the aorta that was dissected. You can see it huge really nasty looking rip. It's amazing that people make it to the hospital when this happens because it's really starting to fall apart.



And here we can inspect this valve and a lot of times if the patient's stable enough and in the experience center we can save that valve. We try to do that in patients with connective tissue disorder but sometimes the tissues are just too damaged and the better and safer thing to do is just replace that root and replace that valve with one of those mechanical or biologic valve options and you can see in this patient the annulus wasn't large, the opening of the heart was big.



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