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僧帽弁手術について ~リークのしくみ~

Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21




So what are the mechanisms of mitral leakage? I've just mentioned them, so and we think that in many people it has a steady progression. It progresses starting from annular dilatation, which kind of pulls the flaps apart a little bit and then there's blood leaking backwards and that's what we're seeing on an echo here and Dr. Spooner is going to go over that in more detail with you.



As the chordae become elongated you start to see the leaflets prolapsing or, or flipping back toward the atrium up here and then there's not very good coaptation and if that progresses you get more and more strain on the chordae and they can actually rupture or tear and then you have what's called a frail leaflet where the flap is no longer tethered down to the heart and it's not abutting the opposite.

腱索が伸びるにつれて弁尖が逸脱します。つまり、この図のように左心房側へ弁尖が移動するようになります。こうなると弁がうまく閉まらなくなります。この状態がさらに進行すると、大きな負荷が腱索にかかり、腱索が断裂します。この状態をfrail leafletと呼び、弁の一方が心臓の壁につながれていない状態になりますので、弁同士が密着しません。


So those are some general principles so we all know what, what terms we're talking about and some of the mechanisms that cause the leakage of the valve and leakage is a much, much more common problem in people with connective tissue disorders than is stenosis or narrowing of the valve. Worldwide there's there's a lot of narrowing of the valve usually due to rheumatic fever but in our country we don't see much rheumatic fever anymore and it seems that a higher percentage are related to this.



So at this point I'm going to step aside and Dr. Spooner is going to talk about the clinical presentation of mitral disease and then I'll come back at the end and talk a little bit about surgery.



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