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僧帽弁手術について ~僧帽弁の構造~

Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21




So this is what a mitral valve looks like if you're inside the heart staring out of this. This actually is a picture taken endoscopically of the heart. Now there's no real blood here because the heart's been stopped and the patient is on the heart lung machine but it's important to just know that this is what a mitral valve is supposed to look like.



It has two flaps but the anterior leaflet, the flap in the front, is, is actually much bigger in terms of the cross sectional area than the posterior leaflet and each of these leaflets anterior, posterior is divided into thirds and they number the thirds from left to right by as A1, A2, A3 for the anterior leaflet and P1, P2, P3 for the posterior leaflet.



Many of you heard the term P2 prolapse and that's because the most common kind of mitral regurgitation one sees is when this part of the posterior leaflet is flipping back.



Now there are three important components of the mitral valve: one I've just talked about those are the leaflets anterior leaflet and posterior leaflet but the leaflets are are actually attached to a fibrous ring that encircles the valve and that's called the annulus here. You can actually see in this picture, kind of this white stripe around here to which the leaflets are attached but the other end of the leaflets are attached to the wall of the heart using this, the, the through these fiber strings which we call chordae or chordae tendineae and that's what you see here.



For a mitral valve to work well these two flaps have to meet in the middle and they have to, we say coapt, they have to abut each other here in a broad area essentially it, these two flaps support each other because blood pushes on both sides and it kind of seals it.



The strings the chordae do tether the flaps to the wall of the heart and for the valve to work well all of these things have to to work properly.



If the annulus becomes very dilated these flaps get pulled apart. If the strings become elongated or tear the flaps will go back and they won't coapt well.



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