Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21
So mitral disease and we'll, we'll spend our time talking about mitral regurgitation since that is the, the vast, the vast percentage of people who present with Marfan syndrome and related conditions with mitral valve disease will have regurgitation.
It's extremely common. It occurs in up to about 80 percent of people with Marfan syndrome and more than 10 percent will develop moderate to severe regurgitation by the age of about 30.
The cause of the regurgitation is commonly, this anterior leaflet or bi-leaflet prolapse. It's very rarely related to isolated posterior leaflet prolapse so usually the anterior leaflet is involved or both leaflets. The leaflets tend to be in Marfan very thin and can be very long and what other people refer to as a floppy valve or we can also you also will hear about redundant leaflets and the dilation of the annulus of the valve.
僧帽弁逆流の原因は一般に前尖のみ、あるいは前尖と後尖両方の逸脱です。後尖のみの逸脱が原因となることは非常にまれです。マルファン患者さんの弁尖は非常に薄くて長く、floppy valveやredundant leafletと呼ばれます。そして、弁輪の拡張も原因となります。
Once the valve is leaky or regurgitant or you also hear the term insufficient and this can become progressively worse over time. With a lot of stress on all of these components of the valve and what Duke just showed about kind of continuous degeneration of the leaflets, progressive thinning and lengthening of the leaflets, progressive dilatation of that annulus, or kind of the, the, the hole that really the kind of door frame for the door that houses the the mitral valve apparatus. There can be calcium deposition on the leaflets over time and then ultimately with all of this stress on, on all of these components you can have potentially not always but you can have rupture of the chordae tendonite and have frail or partial frail of one of the leaflets of the valve.
一旦リークが生じると、時間の経過とともに次第に悪化します。僧帽弁を構成する全ての要素に大きな負荷がかかることで、先程Duke先生から説明があったように、弁尖が連続的に変化し、薄く伸びていきます。そして弁輪も拡張が進行します。弁輪というのはドアを僧帽弁とした場合のドア枠のようなものです。時間経過とともに弁尖にはカルシウムが沈着します。以上のような負荷がかかることで、腱索が断裂することがあり、その結果、frail leafletとなってしまうのです。
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