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僧帽弁手術について ~機械弁と生体弁~

Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21




So considerations that you make when you're, when you're deciding about surgery so clearly repair is the goal just like it is now with the aortic valve but you always have to talk ahead of time with a surgeon and, and with a cardiologist about what you would do if repair is not possible.



So before the surgery and if, you know, in the surgery if the, if the decision is made that these leaflets are, are too degenerated or there's calcification of that annulus and it makes repair unlikely to, to work a replacement is then indicated and you have to make a decision ahead of time about whether you would want a mechanical valve or a tissue valve.



There are pros and cons to each but the crux of the mechanical valve is that they last longer but they do require a lifelong blood thinning with a blood thinner called warfarin and one difference with mitral valves, mechanical mitral valves is that they require a higher INR goal. The blood has to be thinner than it does with a mechanical aortic valve. The the pro of a tissue valve is that coumadin is not necessary but these valves don't last as long.



Both types of valves both a mechanical valve and a tissue valve are at risk for infection, which is known as endocarditis, which occurs when bacteria gets into the bloodstream from some type of infection usually from the mouth source or the skin that can come from anywhere that these bacteria will, will set up shop will, will actually veget, will form vegetations on the prosthetic valve.



So having a prosthetic valve of any type requires very meticulous dental and wound care. It requires that you take antibiotics before dental work and just kind of common sense in general making sure that you're looking out for signs and symptoms of infection like fevers and chills.



In the big picture, though, it is not easy to infect a valve and usually these infections are rare if people are taking care of skin and teeth.



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