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運動に関する最新研究 ~大動脈疾患患者の運動に関する研究のまとめ~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




And then after they completed the protocol we would survey the individuals about their experience. Half of them said they were more confident in their ability to safely compete, complete the exercises. Two-thirds said they would like to participate in the study again. Many of them wanted to improve on what they felt were some deficiencies in their performance and three quarters actually thought that the blood pressure monitoring was valuable in terms of feedback because we could tie that, as I mentioned, to their self-reported level of effort, so once they knew that that level of effort was safe in terms of blood pressure response it seemed to make them much more confident to engage in those exercises. 




So the conclusions from this are that we found people with aortic disease can safely and effectively perform most moderate intensity exercises. We did notice that some patients became more hypertensive during exercises even as resting blood pressure was not significantly different than controls, pointing out that individualized measurement of blood pressure does provide value, especially for patients with thoracic aortic disease and regular training in terms of increased weekly moderate activity time also seems to blunt that rise in blood pressure with different exercises.




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