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運動に関する最新研究 ~大動脈解離後の運動に関する研究~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




Now we're going to move on to the last part of our discussion before we open up the questions and this is a topic that's very unique and something that we're all very interested in. I know Dr. Prakash has been interested in this a long time. 




People who, who have experienced an aortic dissection that, that leave the hospital we expect most to live long lives and, and we want them to have the best quality of life possible. And this, this is a condition that brings a lot of fear and anxiety and frankly post-traumatic stress for individuals and their families and certainly for caregivers who are not familiar with what is considered safe and what's not considered safe and a lot of the fear is really produced by things that we might say or others might say in our position to somebody because of our uncertainty about what's safe, so that's a lot of area of active research that we think can improve quality of lives. 




There's some information out there. We tried to write papers about this, providing what is expected with blood pressure with physical activities. That would sort of work that Dr. Prakash is specializing in to provide general information about safe level activity for individuals after aortic dissection




This is a survey that was done out of the University of Michigan a few years back of 300 people with aortic dissection about lifestyle, what side of exercise they're doing, what emotional state you're in and you can see that a third of people in this survey had mental health concerns after aortic dissection, depression, anxiety and a quarter we're doing no exercise at all. Many were no longer sexually active because of concerns about safety but interestingly as, as you're learning and we're learning the theme of tonight is those who did exercise routinely had better quality of life and and lower blood pressure and this sort of, of information is being reproduced in other studies now. 




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