
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

運動に関する最新研究 ~まとめ~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




Okay, Siddharth, thank you, so these are our conclusions. I guess we could read them together but I, I guess I will read the final. First and, we will take any questions that we can here at the end, so I'm just going to move on and skip the conclusion so we have a little bit more time. I think the main message that we wanted to give today is that an individualized approach to exercise is, is necessary because there's so many differences and but, but I think the unifying recommendation is to try to be active and to choose an activity that's, that's a safe for you and can be done hopefully it's fun and that you'll continue to do and to discuss with your doctors or practitioners about what does that really look like and if the information sounds uncertain reach out there's great information. The foundation can direct you to others if you need it and there's certainly information in the literature that can help your practitioners about that and there's great web sources on The Marfan Foundation outlining, again physical activity guidelines. It's a downloadable that you can share with your practitioners, nurses, and doctors, etc. 


Prakash先生ありがとうございました。こちらのスライドで結論が述べられているのですが、最後に質問の時間を多くとりたいので、手短にお伝えします。本日の重要なメッセージとしては、運動については個別性が強いことから、患者さん一人ひとり違った対応が必要となるということです。とはいっても、統一的に推奨されることは、活動的であるということ、安全な運動を選ぶということ、楽しめる運動であるということ、継続できる運動であるということです。医師などに運動の内容について相談してもよいでしょう。医師からの情報に不安を感じる場合には、The Marfan Foundation が別の医師を紹介することもできますし、文献の中にも専門家が参考にできるような情報があります。また、The Marfan Foundation のホームページにある運動ガイドラインをダウンロードして医療者らと共有することもできます。


This is, these, these, there's one thing that Mary Shepard who is a aortic specialist in Kentucky, who wrote a very nice paper about exercise in heritable disorders and Mary said that, that exercise may help improve the aortic biomechanics and potentially buffer the hemodynamic effects of the inevitable stressors like giving a lecture or running through the airport or other things that can get your heart rate and blood pressure up in life for all of us and and I couldn't agree more and I'm really hopeful that the work that Dr. Prakash is doing and others are doing around the world in this very important area, will improve quality of life and well-being for, for all of us and especially, those who are haven't been exercising because of concerns and so we'll stop there and to turn it over to Eileen, who may moderate some Q&A. Thank you very much. 




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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