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Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research





So beginning questions are about the studies that you presented early on, talking about the mice because people were putting those questions in while they were listening, so what was the average duration and frequency of exercise that contributed to reduction of dilatation in mice, Marfan mice? 





Right, so in, in the Marfan mice this was over five months, which is in mouse terms is a fairly long period of exercise considering that mice live only a couple years and, and the, the exercise was really a treadmill or a wheel in the cage and so the mice would be running on the wheel at different speeds adjusted to different levels of intensity but because, because of the, the nature of the trial it was simply they would record the, the amount of time that the mouse spent on the wheel but there was no enforcement of that, so most, most of the mice were uniformly active but they were free to approach the wheel at any time and so the net effect of this was a period of five months of activity versus no wheel in the cage and, and just regular kind of movement in the the cage. 




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