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LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~危険な変異型~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




In our 2014 guidelines we didn't really address any specific variant information and so that means that, you know, we have these six different types of Loeys-Dietz syndrome with gene variants or gene DNA changes within that gene but what we do realize is that there are a few recurrent very aggressive gene changes that we know can lead to more aggressive disease. 




So for instance, in TGFBR2 usually in new spontaneous cases of Loeys-Dietz syndrome this specific mutation or variant called Arg528His/Cys change. This specific variant, we see very aggressive disease in childhood or in teenage years and so we really want to be get the word out that if this mutation or this variant is happening and we really need to watch these kids more aggressively and maybe image them, see them more frequently because they show aneurysm growth that can happen pretty quickly and they can show tears of the aorta, especially in the descending that lower portion of the candy cane, they can show tears there even in childhood. 




We have the same experience with the specific variant Thr200Ile in the gene TGFBR1 where we've seen poor outcomes in children. 




So we want to assess the literature and the experience of other providers to see other, other gene mutations that kind of trigger us to, to watch out to watch these kids more aggressively and earlier.




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