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動脈瘤・解離の管理 ~カテーテル挿入部位の処置~

Vascular Surgery




And this is just a comment on access sites because as I said you go through the femoral artery when we do these and so we have to be careful with the way we close the femoral artery so that we don't have pseudoaneurysms afterwards and my impression is that people with vascular EDS my preference is that we perform an open exposure if we're using what we call large sheath so really the size of, of the, of the catheter and the sheath that we are putting in dictates the whether or not we need to do an open exposure and repair just like this one described by Dr. Black's group a few years ago or if we can just do it through the skin that's called percutaneous, next slide. 




And this is an example of how I show this when I teach about how these exposures and repairs are done at different talks. You can see these are pictures of somebody's femoral artery and this is a great way to circum, to enforce the artery and not have any complications after this kind of procedure, next slide.




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