So when we talk about endovascular repair you've heard two terms. You've heard embolization and you've heard stenting but basically these are what we call minimally invasive procedures. We perform them through accessing the femoral artery in the groin area where we put in our wires and our catheters and are able to do the embolization or the stenting. It requires what we call a hybrid room. You can see the picture on the bottom right where we have all this machinery and we can use x-ray to see, you know, to navigate our way into these arteries, next slide.
So when we say embolization what we're talking about is where we are putting synthetic material into the artery branch or the saccular aneurysm to cut off the blood flow in that artery. These are usually arteries that we can sacrifice, so, for example, splenic arteries, these are the arteries that feed the spleen are perfect arteries to use embolization material for them and these can be done by a vascular surgeon or interventional radiologists depending on the institution where you go and the local expertise, next slide.
This is, the next slide is going to show you an example of embolizing a large subclavian artery aneurysm in a patient with vascular EDS and then on the right hand side as I mentioned splenic artery embolization and we, as of not even six, four weeks ago, presented data on 88 patients with vascular EDS who've had splenic artery aneurysms and a third of them needed interventions and everybody who's had embolizations had, had that done successfully, so again, for example, splenic arteries are very amenable to embolizations and it can be done with minimal risk to the patient, next slide.
The stents, on the other hand, these are examples of arterial stents and when you talk about stents we talk about there's bare metal stents versus covered stents and the bare metal stents are something that we use to open up an artery that is blocked usually that's not what we're going to use in people with vascular EDS, Loeys-Dietz or Marfan syndrome. If we're going to use them we're going to use covered stents which function as a liner inside the artery and this is in circumstances in which you have to keep or preserve the circulation, so you can't just embolize the artery, so you have to use covered stents and again we've used these successfully in circumstances where we had to, the next slide, please.
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