
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Scoliosis Management & Surgical Options for Marfan Syndrome





For osteoporosis, this patient has been recommended to do some weightlifting, but in Marfan syndrome, it is not recommended. What would you recommend? Do you recommend lightweight bearing exercises, or are there any other newer recommendations?





If you're concerned about osteoporosis, you should be followed by an endocrinologist or other bone health specialist. Sometimes a nephrologist will do that as well, and they can look at your whole risk profile, which often involves the eyes and the aorta, the main reasons we want to avoid impact. But osteoporosis doesn't require a lot of highly energetic endurance-like events like weightlifting. It can be just repetitive low-yield cycling or walking, climbing stairs. Any kind of repetitive medium-intensity impact can help to build bone density, and so it doesn't usually have to be anything that's going to stress your heart. It could be just regular long-distance walking or climbing stairs, or just trying to make sure you do more for yourself and not depend on others to do your daily chores.




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