
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Scoliosis Management & Surgical Options for Marfan Syndrome





Osteoporosis, do you see in younger people than, than usual in Marfan syndrome patients and if so why?





Osteoporosis has a specific numerical definition which is the bottom two and a half percent of all the people with bone density problems and so it's a pretty strict and strong diagnosis to have. It typically tends to, our bone density tends to go down continuously as we age, and females faster than males because of menopause and lack of estrogen stimulation. So it tends to happen to females in their 60s through 80s and males in their 80s through 90s. In Marfan people, it happens more frequently and especially at a younger age as the questioner had intimated. The frequency of it in Marfan is not widely agreed upon, but it's probably about 20 to 30% of Marfan patients have osteoporosis. Why that happens is a bit of a mystery. It probably has to do with the again the old culprit TGF-beta binding and how it affects the collagen matrix of your skeleton on which the calcium is laid down. Bone mineral density is basically just calcified tissue and appropriate strong, organized calcified tissue, but in Marfan patients, the bone density tends to be a little less. It's not just a matter of simply taking more calcium in your diet or drinking more milk. You have to have a protein substrate or matrix that will absorb and allow the calcium to adhere to it and build on it in an organized fashion.




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