
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


How is Marfan syndrome diagnosed? Is there a genetic test?


We diagnosed Marfan syndrome still by and large based on what we see in looking at a person, clinically examining them. We also rely a lot on the family history.


The clinical evaluation involves typically multiple specialists. A generalist, typically a medical geneticist, who has the broad picture of what Marfan syndrome is and can look at the skin, the skeleton, listen to the heart, take a peek at the eyes and begin to put the scenario together.


Obviously the family history, if there's someone clearly with Marfan syndrome in the family, it's a big clue as well, but since the gene was discovered in 1991, the possibility of actually examining the gene which is called Fibrillin-1 to look for specific genetic changes arose and is used increasingly in solidifying the diagnosis.


There are some difficulties. Changes in this gene cause conditions that look very, very different from Marfan syndrome, so simply finding a genetic change in this very large gene doesn't mean you have Marfan syndrome.


You could have a number of other things or it could be a normal variant that really doesn't cause any mischief whatsoever, but we do use genetic testing in an increasing number of situations in the clinic to solidify the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome.


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