The Role of the Genetic Counselor - Empowerment Series - 3/14/19
We talked about, when we discussed, cascade testing or follow-up testing for his relatives. So in this case, we recommended that both of his children as well as his brother and sister have genetic testing for the known mutation that we found in the fibrillin gene. Next slide.
So when we ended up doing this testing, we found that our five-year-old patient, who's now colored in red, and his paternal aunt also carried the same mutation, so they were also both diagnosed with Marfan syndrome and when the aunt was evaluated by her cardiologist, she was also found to have mitral valve prolapse as well as enlargement, again, of the aortic root, so she shaded in red for Marfan, green for mitral valve prolapse and gray for root dilation, so we kind of used these colors and shading techniques to track from the different symptoms that are running through the family.
So considering that she's had really no other medical issues in her till this point in her life, she might not have ever even known of her enlarged aortic root, and increased risk for a tear in the aorta if her brother hadn't had this genetic testing to begin with. So now because she's had this cascade testing, she's able to follow closely with her cardiologist and hopefully reduce her risk for an aortic event in the future.
Also now that she's tested positive, we can again recommend more cascade testing for her two children, so going to the next slide. Both children were tested and her three-year-old son was also diagnosed with Marfan syndrome and he was found to also have aortic root dilation.
So one thing that's really important about diagnosing Marfan syndrome at such a young age is that a cardiologist can begin to follow the child right away and start them on treatment with medications such as beta blockers or ARBs and these meds really help reduce the growth of the aorta over the lifespan, which is one of our main goals for the cardiologists that work in our genetics clinic, because if we can help a child grow into their aortic dimensions, we can hopefully reduce the chance that they will ever need to go to the operating room for an aortic repair or replacement in their adult years.
And the last thing I wanted to note is that we also did genetic testing for the paternal grandmother to rule out that she had Marfan syndrome and as we expected, she actually tested negative. So although we couldn't test the grandfather who had already passed away, we can infer that he had Marfan syndrome given his medical history and the fact that two of his children also have Marfan syndrome. Next slide.
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