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遺伝カウンセラーの役割 ~症例②・③ 検査対象とすべき遺伝子の違い~

The Role of the Genetic Counselor - Empowerment Series - 3/14/19




So now we'll move on to our next most common rule for genetic counselors. We've already covered this a little bit in the previous case example, but I want to discuss some other important cases that illustrate the importance of selecting the most appropriate test for a patient. Next slide.



So in this example, we'll be comparing two children who are referred to us for the exact same reason. They both have aortic root dilation, again that enlargement near at the beginning of the aorta and pectus excavatum or that indentation in the chest wall. Next slide.



For this case, we have a 10-year-old boy, who in addition to his aortic dilation and pectus, is also extremely tall for his age and has very long fingers and toes. He's also very nearsighted and needs to wear glasses for that.



So similar to the very first case we talked about, all of these features together start to paint a picture of a connective tissue disorder.



But before we dive into the recommended genetic testing for him, let's look at our other patient. So this is an 8-year-old little girl who has aortic root dilation but her pectus actually has a different appearance than the boy we just talked about. So in this patient, she has a chest wall that points outwards at the top and then starts to point inwards at the bottom, which gives her sternum a very unique s-shaped appearance.



This little girl is also very short for her age so her height falls below the 10th percentile, meaning she's a lot shorter than other children of the same age and during her physical exam, we also noted that she had a webbed neck or extra skin at the base of her neck and she also has eyes that are very widely spaced in slant downwards.



And when we see all of these features together, this really makes us think that the patient is likely to have a genetic condition but rather than a connective tissue disorder, we actually think she has something else altogether. Next slide.



Despite these patients coming in for the same original reason so that aortic root dilation and the pectus, they will actually have two different genetic tests order.



For the little girl fits a very classic picture of a condition you might not have heard before called Noonan syndrome and this is a genetic disorder that is caused by a completely different set of genes that aren't found on the connective tissue disorder panel at all.



Because of this, we recommended that she have Noonan syndrome panel test, which includes all the genes known to cause that condition. And for the little boy, we recommended a connective tissue disorder panel because his features were more consistent with that diagnosis. Oops, sorry, animations, press there a couple times to the next one. There we go.



So when their genetic testing results came back, the little girl had a mutation in the PTPN11 gene, which causes Noonan syndrome and the little boy had a mutation in his FBN gene, giving him a diagnosis of Marfan syndrome.



So what we've learned from this case is even though they are referred for very similar reasons, had we not ordered the appropriate panel for either one of these patients, we could have missed their true diagnosis.



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