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遺伝カウンセラーの役割 ~症例④ 発達障害を伴う症例~

The Role of the Genetic Counselor - Empowerment Series - 3/14/19




All right. For our next case, we have a five-year-old little boy with aortic root dilation again and mitral valve prolapse. So he also has very loose joints, which make him very flexible and on physical exam, we noticed that he had large cupped ears, a long face, and a very prominent forehead. We also learned from his parents that he has significant motor and speech delays and he's having a lot of difficulty in school.



So while these first few symptoms of root dilation, mitral valve prolapse and joint laxity make us think of connective tissue disorders, his physical features are in developmental concerns, are actually not typically seen in these conditions, which cause us to wonder whether another genetic condition might be at play here.



So when I see this list of features, it actually caused my suspicion for another completely different genetic condition called Fragile X syndrome and this is a condition that can cause all the features that this little boy has, which is why I rather than a connective tissue disorder panel, as the genetic counselor, I would order fragile X testing for this child.



Another important test that is standardly-recommended for all children who have developmental delays is called a chromosome microarray and this is a comprehensive test that checks whether any of the patient's chromosomes have missing or extra pieces that could be causing their developmental issues. So next slide.



In this child's case, his chromosome microarray was normal and his testing for fragile X syndrome was positive, which means that his features were all caused by this condition rather than a possible connective tissue disorder.



So again, this is another really good example that genetic testing isn't "one size fits all."



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