
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Did I do something to cause my child to have Marfan syndrome?


So when parents come in and their child is the first person in the family to have Marfan syndrome, they start replaying in their head every drink they had, you know, what they did in their teenage years and their young adult years and we really assuage their guilt; there is nothing that you did that caused this.



It is a random change in the DNA that happened when the egg and the sperm came together and that you have no control over how your DNA gets replicated.



So, we try to take away that guilt as much as possible and that's a process for parents to go through but there is nothing that they did to cause Marfan syndrome in their child.



As the DNA gets replicated and gets passed down and sometimes that machinery just makes a mistake. Every single person carries about six to ten gene changes in all of their DNA and in some people, it's just in a gene that impacts your body more than in other genes and so in individuals with Marfan syndrome, the way that, that machinery replicated the DNA from their parents a simple mistake was made and it happened to be in the Marfan gene.



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