
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。



What causes retinal detachment in patients with Marfan syndrome?


The causes of retinal detachment in the Marfan syndrome are not 100% clear. There is no fibrillin in the retina and there is no fibrillin in the vitreous. The vitreous being the inside gel, inside the eye. There's like an egg-white inside the eye. That one in the Marfan patient is equal to the general population. The retina in its basic structure is equal
to the patient without the Marfan syndrome. The pigmented epithelium is normal.



But the outside coat, the white of your eyes, the outside white coat, the sclera, contains a lot of fibrillin and it may just stretch more, so the eye becomes larger, so the retina is on stretch and it may be that stretching of the retina which predisposes the patients to develop the retinal holes, but not all myopes get a retinal detachment, so you can have a stretched eye without getting retinal detachment but in the Marfan syndrome, the frequency is just significantly higher than even the myopes in the general population.



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