
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

ロイス・ディーツ症候群について ~マルファン症候群の概要~


As many of you know, Marfan syndrome is a connective tissue disorder that's related to Loeys-Dietz syndrome. It shows features in the eye, in the skeleton and also in the cardiovascular system.


In the upper left hand corner, you can see what we call lens dislocation that the eye lens has moved out of place. It's no longer in the center of the eye, but rather shifted upward.


People with Marfan syndrome also typically have long bones; in this young man,you can see that his arms are very long relative to the length of his body.


But most importantly, we see what we call aortic root enlargement. In this picture, you can see a candy cane looking structure that is the aorta and it's at its base you can see widening, which we call aortic root aneurysm or aortic root enlargement, which is the feature of Marfan syndrome and also Loeys-Dietz syndrome that gives us greatest concern because an enlarged aortic root can be prone to tear.


Now along time ago back in 1991, we were able to show that mutations that cause Marfan syndrome occur in a gene that encodes a protein that we call fibrillin-1.


I want to stress to you throughout this talk that the names of things are not all that important. What I, what I really want you to do is to try to grasp general concepts and I'll reinforce those important concepts along the way.


So we knew that fibrillin-1 participates in the formation of structures in the body that we call microfibrils. These are small thread-like structures that exist between the cells of the body in the material that we call the extracellular matrix. In essence, this is sort of like the glue of the body that holds the cells together.


We observed that there were numerous features of Marfan syndrome and other connective tissue disorders that could not be explained by simple weakness of the tissues. We had thought that a defect in the glue between the cells of the body would simply cause the tissues to be weak and to ultimately fail over time.


But that model couldn't explain why the bones were long, why there were facial features of Marfan syndrome or Loeys-Dietz syndrome. This really emphasized to us that there was something missing in the way that we were thinking about things.



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