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加齢とマルファン関連疾患 ~加齢と寿命の一般論~

Aging with Marfan and Related Conditions (VIrtual Medical Symposium Series, 5/6/19)




So as she faces the future, you know, what health issues can she expect? Just simply, you know, from aging and also are there specific problems that have to do with the Marfan syndrome?



And I'll just tell you that even though we discovered these problems in her health several years ago when she was 59; now she's in her early 60s, and she's really done quite well. This has not been a progressive gait problem and, if anything, she's a little better now, which I've been very glad to see.



Now just talking about aging in general, I think most of you know that the population is aging and this is a graph that the blue line would show roughly where we are now and then the, the trends, of course, are that our people are aging and we have many more older people and and especially over 85 as you can see with the red line.



But it's important to recognize that a lot of them have many, you know, several chronic conditions, I mean, four or five chronic conditions is from one study, but that's even a modest estimate. So, they're burdened with chronic problems.



And this is a slide that shows you just in the 1900, the purple line what life expectancy was like at that time and also now today this is even in this little old; it's 2003, but how much life expectancy we've gained as a population. So you know we're all living longer now.



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