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Aging with Marfan and Related Conditions (VIrtual Medical Symposium Series, 5/6/19)




Moving on to the GI system. A lot of us have acid reflux and take antacids, constipation, particularly as a problem as people age. The nervous system is extremely complicated in the gastrointestinal tract. It's almost like another brain that regulates the motility and the peristalsis in the gastrointestinal system and this hasn't been adequately studied in our family of diseases, but many patients with Marfan syndrome do have, I think, more acid reflux and there's more a hiatal hernia problem where part of the stomach permeates into the chest cavity and the central obesity does help this and because the nervous system, the the autonomic nervous system is so critical for impairments, that for a function of the motility of the bowel, unclear, hasn't been proven but again I certainly see this in Marfan patients and it again may be related to their spine as well, so more constipation problems, in general, I think, somewhat more gastrointestinal problems.



Now the although those haven't been proven, this has this is a condition called the eosinophilic esophagitis and the esophagus should be a smooth tube and here it has sort of a ringed appearance on an endoscopic photograph and then these little cells with the arrows are called the eosinophil and these are cells that are found in allergy.



And in the Loyes-Dietz syndrome, this particular condition this is, this is eosinophils esophagitis. It's a form of allergic esophageal inflammation that occurs very commonly in the Loeys-Dietz syndrome and it's probably because Loeys-Dietz patients have very, very high TGF-beta signaling and the TGF-beta system participates in the development of the immune system, so there's probably something that went wrong and very early development in this body with the immune system that stimulated this type of allergic type of inflammation and these patients tend to have food allergies.



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