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Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)




I knew this was gonna come up, physical activity. What do you tell somebody who is restricted, they can't play the sports they really want to play, they're taking their medications, they're taking their losartan or their beta blocker and they really want to play sports even though they know about the risk. I mean, how do you, I mean, people get free choice, but how do you counsel them to do with their best interest to protect themselves?



Well, what I really try to do is really just try to understand how, they how the person I'm talking with feels and really what how they're willing to live their life, and as you said, it's, it's really I can make recommendations, but I really, I, I can't choose, choices for other individuals. Yeah and this is probably the most difficult part of caring for people with Marfan and related disorders.



Thankfully, aortic dissection and complications in aorta are rare in athletes and that's probably because most people with Marfan syndrome are recognized early. There are people who've made it to the highest levels of competition and they're, and were never recognized and we don't really know what would have happened to them if they would have been allowed to continue because once they're recognized, they're not. So we don't really know; it's the truth.



There's very little data that to guide us objectively, so a lot of this is based on our best judgment and so what I try to tell people is to try to live the safest life you can, you have a lot of years ahead and, but, I but I wouldn't be able to give permission or blessing to do intense competitive athletics in the highest levels when one has a connective tissue disorder because it's, there's, there remains a risk of aortic catastrophe which could strike even if their arota wasn't markedly dilated.



And there's also um issues with the eyes and the bones and joints and what I would recommend is for people to take a look at this new resource that we have on our physical activity guidelines. They were updated. The guidelines weren't changed, but Dr. Braverman and the other doctors who work with, they really went to great lengths to explain what they worried about, so it's not just saying what they recommend but why and, so that everybody can make their best informed decision, I think, that's really important to know like, you know, what you worry about and so that they can, they can decide, you know, "Well, I'm going to worry about that too or not."



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