
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン関連疾患における整形外科的所見 ~側弯症の治療法~

Keeping Your Spine, Limbs, and Feet Healthy in Marfan and Related Conditions




A common question is whether bracing will help scoliosis and to certain degree it will. They won't straighten the curve but it may hold it. When we studied bracing in Marfan syndrome, we found about one out of five had a real success. 80% still got somewhat worse although sometimes it may be of some value.



The type of bracing were ???, a night brace and the dark blue here or the custom standing brace called ???, which is depicted on the left, the more colorful brace.



The problem, however, is that the bones are very prominent and sometimes uncomfortable inside a brace because of severe twists and rib shape and also the lack of padding over the bone.



But I like to start bracing at an earlier point usually when curves are as small as 15 to 20 degrees in young growing children and avoid in "low-yield" situation: kids are coming with a very big curvature, that's already kind of too big to be braced and may be very uncomfortable or a child cannot wear the brace because their life is too complex: they have other medical issues, or they're just not be able to make them, bring himself to do it.



A special cases: the infantile Marfan patients. Somebody who has scoliosis severe even the first two or three years of life. These kids often will need surgery before they reach a decade and the problem is the fusion could arrest the growth of the trunk and stop their growth, so the solution is to have a rod that grows with the patient like an internal brace.



You can see an example of that here. The patient with a severe scoliosis and then with some small incision, the trunk is controlled and the the spine will grow with them.



In recent years these have been perfected and these require multiple surgeries to go in and slightly spread these rods apart and we found good results in these patients with Marfan syndrome.



But now we have another tool called magnetically controlled growing rod, acronym being "MAGEC" and if the child doesn't need an MRI, you can actually see the lengthening awake in the clinic with this little magnetic device to turn through the screw on the rod and it makes it get longer minimally invasive, not invasive actually and help them to grow as long as they ???. This is a real revolutionary aspect seeing young patients. It's not necessary for older kids, however. As they reach teenage, there's no need to further grow but it's just a matter of controlling the curve.



And this is commonly done in typically appearing teenagers called idiopathic scoliosis but when you compare that to Marfan patient, we did matching them and comparing them, we found that the Marfan patient tended to have more difficulty with rod complications, need for reoperation, spinal fluid leakage, or worsening of curves outside that main curve, so you have to be careful for controlling the whole spine.



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