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Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)




How do you determine how much of the, of the thoracoabdominal aorta to replace? If, if it is all aneurysmal but not all, not all at the surgical threshold you replace at all or only part of it or.. How do you make that decision? Did you, can you see it ahead of time? Do you see it when you get in there?



That's a very, very good question and in a separate, in an emergency situation you take care of the part that's blowing out and deal with things another day.



In a more elective situation we base it on size and we're, because of our experience, are probably a little more aggressive.



In other words, somebody who doesn't do as much, they're likely to leave more behind because the more you take out, in a general sense, the greater the risk. When the aorta is, the, the sort of the rule of thumb is somewhere around four centimeters, is kind of cut off where you start leaving things behind. It's four centimeters or less. We're more slightly more aggressive than that.



If I've got four centimeters down to around the renal arteries I'm more likely to go all the way down to the bifurcation because if I don't in a Marfan patient they're gonna come back.



You can't always do that but we, we try to be more thorough, more complete in, in what we replace so that we, where we don't have a patient that we're as worried about over the longer term by having left. The whole idea is to remove bad aorta, not to leave stuff behind and watch it.



So all I can say is we're probably a little more aggressive than some of our colleagues in doing this because of our experience but it, it's a, you have to draw a line somewhere what you're going to leave behind and what you aren't and, and it's, it and it's a, it, it's a, it's a balance between risk and intervention and how much to intervene on it.



So if, if it's, you don't want to take out more if you think you're going to end up with a paraplegic patient but if you can do it safely and end up with kidneys and bowel and spinal cord be very, very thorough that's, that's kind of where we go.



Speaks to going to a surgeon who's done this a lot, right? Yeah?



That would be my thought.



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