Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)
For patients with both, both a compromised aortic root and an abdominal aneurysm is it possible to do the root replacement at the same time as the abdominal aortic repair?
It's possible but not ideal. You would, if at all, if it, it's possible but if at all probable or if it's all possible to separate the two you want to separate them with two separate procedures.
That may be a situation where if you're going to do them together you may want to do an endovascular repair of the abdominal aorta and come back and deal with things later.
It's very rare though to have both the proximal aorta and the abdominal aorta symptomatic at the same time. It's just not very common but they can both. We have, we have done both at the same time when in those unusual circumstances when they do present themselves that way.
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