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大動脈弓手術について ~大動脈解離A型と大動脈弓~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




So with that we can really focus on some of the acute issues so obviously aortic dissection. With classifications there's the DeBakey classification and the Stanford.



Having been from Stanford. I'll obviously use that but with the Stanford A that's where the ascending aorta is involved. If the ascending aorta is not involved we classify it as a type B aortic dissection.

Stanford分類から説明します。以降の説明ではこの分類法を使います。Stanford A型とは上行大動脈が解離している状態です。上行大動脈に解離が起きていない大動脈解離は、Stanford B型と呼ばれます。


With the DeBakey classification of DeBakey I is obviously the ascending and then extending all the way down. DeBakey II is limited to the ascending and DeBakey III is similar to a Stanford B.

DeBakey分類ですが、DeBakey I型とは、上行大動脈から始まり、大動脈全体に解離が起こっている状態です。DeBakey II型は上行大動脈のみに解離が生じている状態です。DeBakey III型はStanford B型と同じです。


With the primary goal of a type A aortic dissection surgery it's really to prevent death from aortic rupture and that's because the ascending aorta is contained within the pericardium as the that tear starts to weep fluid that pericardium can fill with blood pushing pressure on the heart and limit its ability to function so the first objective replace that bad ascending aorta.



We also have to excise the primary intimal tear so primary intimal tear 60 percent of the time can occur in the ascending aorta. Other times it can occur up in the arch and then go backwards so to identifying this is crucial and then we want to restore a competent aortic valve and then restore dominant true lumen flow distally because as flow goes into the false lumen obviously you have only one and a half layers trying to hold that pressure together so I'm including this with arch surgery because if your primary intimal tear is involved up in the arch then you, you have to do an arch usually for that patient at the time of surgery.



Also if the cerebral vessels were compromised restoring flow is crucial so sometimes at the, the initial operation of aortic dissection you're doing an arch.



Just this week a patient came in with stroke symptoms. He was aphasic. He was moving everything but not to command. He was found down at home. We took him to the operating room replaced his ascending and then his innominate was reimplanted and his left carotid was reimplanted so a zone 2 arch. Fortunately the guy woke up and he's, he's doing very well so these are things that surgeons have to be aware of and able to complete to take care of patients.



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