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Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit




So another side of that same coin perhaps is asked how to and maybe we could word this multiple different ways. How do we teach doctors that don't want to learn? Million dollar question, right? So I suppose again to run that out a little bit is are there, what are the, the key points that need to be emphasized or is it just a matter of don't and find someone who is willing to learn and or find someone who already knows. 



I know for some folks and I and I can kind of speak from my own perspective here. We, I live in a very rural part of the United States. My options are few if I needed to find such a specialist so we do encounter people who feel like they don't have any other options but to educate so, you know, given those the range of people's constraints, just I think this is a really interesting question coming from the both of you.



Do you want me to, Bart, you're muted if you're talking.



Yeah, so I think something that I always try to convince the patients or that I help them with this to be as accessible as possible as specialists so usually we try to work into a scheme where maybe with large intervals they come to an expertise center and we at least try to identify somebody locally that can do the more regular follow-up and then try to make a connection between those two by being available to also look at intermittent imaging just by email in the imaging and the results and, and giving advice over, over email and, and I think that has worked really well. So I think then the local physician has still the feeling that he's, he's in, in charge but has some support of an expert center that that's more distantly located. 



That's usually how we try to tackle it because I, I can understand that it's very hard for some people to always travel long distance to, to a specialist center but once you are known there it should be feasible also with modern techniques to have video conferences and, and, and exchange of imaging to, to give advice even over longer distance.



I mean one thing I would add is, you know, just because someone doesn't know a lot about Loeys-Dietz syndrome does not mean that they're not a great doctor. You know, we're good at what we do, we're good at what we see, you know, I am still learning about Loeys-Dietz syndrome and, you know, I hope that I never get the mindset that there's nothing more to learn. 



If your doctor doesn't know a lot about Loeys-Dietz syndrome but, you know, is curious, is asking you questions, is asking where they can learn more information, is writing down the address of The Marfan Foundation and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation as you're talking about it, is asking for records from other hospitals and, you know, asking who have you seen and tell me about these people and their experience, you know, that's a great sign

仮に担当医がLDSのことを知らないとしても、LDSに興味を示す、質問される、情報を得られる場所を知りたがる、The Marfan FoundationやThe Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundationのホームページアドレスをメモしている、他の病院にかかっていた時のカルテを見たがる、かかっていた医師や経歴を知りたがる、といったことがあれば、これらは明るい兆しといえます。


And as Bart mentioned it's often possible to coordinate care from a distance with intermittent visits by with a specialist and more regular visits with your local doctor that works best when there's a partnership. You know, when the local doctor and the specialist respect each other, trust each other, are interested in learning from each other and,  you know, I,I think that that's often quite possible.



I, I would say in the majority of the people that I see at a distance I know their local doctors by name. I've had many phone conversations, email conversations and now Zoom Chats with them so that, that can be an ideal situation when, when that type of partnership can be struck.



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